VIENNA WEDEKIND goes Youtube! I Check it out on

Today is the day: my first ever Youtube Video has been released!! We’ve been working on it for a quite some time now and I’m both nervous and thrilled to show you the results!

I thought it would be interesting for you to see what‘s going on behind a Blogpost/Instagram picture and how my work day during Fashion Week actually looks like. That’s why I’ve teamed up with incredible filmmaker and colleague Raffael Payr to give you a front-row insight into my world as digital content creator. To be honest filming this was quite a challenge because fashion weeks are very stressful and you’re always running around like a headless chicken. But Raffael did an amazing job capturing the vibes. I hope you’ll enjoy it!

VIENNA WEDEKIND goes Youtube! I Check it out on

As most of you might now I used to be an actress here in Austria, so I basically made a living from moving images (cinema, TV, commercials…) and it feels like I’m going back to my roots now. In a more fashion focused way, of course.

In the past year I got so many requests of you guys to do videos and show my life via film but I honestly felt that I probably won’t be able to show you something that you haven‘t seen before. I still feel this way. The only thing I could share is my inspiration and knowledge – things that touch me and maybe will touch you too. That is and always will be my number 1 priority!

Social Media and the Fashion World can be quite overwhelming and it puts a lot of pressure on us all. No matter if you are a silent consumer or like myself, working in this field. So with this Vlog from Milan Fashion Week I just wanted to share some insights into my world, my favorite designs, lovely people, inspiring things but also overwhelming moments. Always keep in mind: Fashion Weeks are like a bubble, they don‘t reflect normality and average work weeks. They are just a highly concentrated dose of fashion and different emotions. So no need for FOMO or social pressure.

VIENNA WEDEKIND goes Youtube! I Check it out on

However, I‘m excited to show you my first ever Youtube Video on my brand new Youtube Channel. Please comment below and let me know what you think. Did you enjoy it? Would you you like to see more such videos? And of course: Please subscribe to my channel!

Cheers to a new chapter!

With lots of love & gratitude,

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