
thoughts & feelings. A personal report from a very uncertain time.
thoughts & feelings. A personal report from a very uncertain time.
Self-Isolation. Pretty strange times we live in... It's Day 15 of our self-isolation and the whole world pretty much fell apart within these days. Our health care systems, the economy, public life, food industry, cultural life, social system - basically everything and everyone is forced to wait and see. This is definitely a lesson for all of us. The biggest challenge of our lives.
In the past weeks my emotions ranged from sheer despair, existential fear, hope, bordedom, sadness, emptiness, madness and optimism. Sometimes all in one day. I think we're all in the same boat and the fact that we don't know how long it will take and what our live will look like in a couple of months is more than disturbing.
But I slowly start to see the positive aspects: We are more aware of the people around us. We are more caring, try to be better listeners, start to connect more, make the best out of each day. Become closer, even without making contact. If that makes sense...
I made myself a What To Do At Home List and learned to be more patient. Usually I'm a workaholic, always on fire and never slow down. Now I'm forced to wait and I slowly start to find it quite appealing... I read a lot, drink gallons of tea, make long walks with Patrick and our dog, binge watch Netflix, we cook & eat healthy, I finally have the time to Skype a lot with friends & family. I reorganized my wardrobe, we've cleaned almost the whole house (next step: windows) and I started to write letters to loved ones.
All the things we usually forget about, because we're so occupied with work and life commitments. Now is the time to nurture our souls and our social life, gain new energy for the time after the Corona Crisis. Because these days will come!
Take care & stay safe,
Xx, Carola
Lots of veggies, healthy protein, fruit and seeds to boost our immune system. We are currently doing a 21day Food Combining programme, a diet that always gives me a lot of energy and helps my gut to calm down.
White Shirt | Edited | |
Necklace | Alighieri |
- I've just finished Christodora by Tim Murphy - a novel about love, loss and the AIDS activism in New York City between the 1980s and 2020s. Although I'd rate it as 3/5, it was highly informative about the AIDS crisis back in the 80s and the effects on society.
- My new read is Drei by Dror Mishani - it appears to be a much lighter book than Christodora and this is exactly what I needed. Keeping you updated. Also reading The Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion.
- More Book recommendations HERE